Integrated Single-cell and Bulk RNA-seq Analysis of the Immune Microenvironment in Gastric Cancer Progression

  • Application period: 16 Jan 2025 - 13 Feb 2025
  • Supervisors: Mehrdad Ameri
  • Collaborators: RSG Iran
  • Team size: 1

 Main Scientific Question of the Project: What are the key molecular interactions and cellular dynamics within the immune microenvironment that drive gastric cancer progression, based on insights from integrated single-cell and bulk RNA-seq data?

This project aims to investigate the molecular mechanisms of the immune microenvironment in gastric cancer progression through an integrated analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) and bulk RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data. By examining the cellular composition, intercellular interactions, and signaling pathways across different stages of cancer development, the study seeks to uncover critical changes that facilitate tumor growth and immune evasion. Additionally, prognostic biomarkers will be explored to better understand their impact on patient outcomes.

Most related reference and related literature:




  • Applicants must have a good skill in R language and the ability to read and understand the documentation of various R packages.


Molecular biology Tcgabiolink Tidyverse packages (ggplot2, dplyr, etc.) Deseq2 Seurat Limma R programming Immunology Cancer Biochemistry

Profile Requirements

Major University Degree Cv
